Bennet, Gae A
Agricultural production and trade of Colombia - Washington [s.n.] 1973 - 109 páginas Cdrs,graf,mapas
This study contains general background material on Colombia'physical resourses: topography, clmate, soils, forest, and minerals. It analyzes the factors influencing demand for agricultural products; reviws general policies and goals toward agricultural production and trade; and examines production practices and transportation and marketing facilities. the report gives location of vegetable oisl; and location of livestock and agricultural production centers. The study also traces Colombian economic development during the past two decades. Statical data relate to economic growth, land use, agricultural trade, and production of al principal crops and livestiok products
Producción agropecuaria
Sector agropecuario
Agricultural production and trade of Colombia - Washington [s.n.] 1973 - 109 páginas Cdrs,graf,mapas
This study contains general background material on Colombia'physical resourses: topography, clmate, soils, forest, and minerals. It analyzes the factors influencing demand for agricultural products; reviws general policies and goals toward agricultural production and trade; and examines production practices and transportation and marketing facilities. the report gives location of vegetable oisl; and location of livestock and agricultural production centers. The study also traces Colombian economic development during the past two decades. Statical data relate to economic growth, land use, agricultural trade, and production of al principal crops and livestiok products
Producción agropecuaria
Sector agropecuario