- Roma [s.n.] 1982
- 145 páginas il.
General problems facing the use of crop residues and agroindustrial by products in animal feeding. Papers on the utilization of crop residues and agroindustrial by products in different african countries. Pastures and by products. Alternative uses. Recomendations. Evaluating nutritaive value
Alimentación de los animales
Fao:sanidad animal
Fao:sanidad animal 32
Residuos de cosecha
General problems facing the use of crop residues and agroindustrial by products in animal feeding. Papers on the utilization of crop residues and agroindustrial by products in different african countries. Pastures and by products. Alternative uses. Recomendations. Evaluating nutritaive value
Alimentación de los animales
Fao:sanidad animal
Fao:sanidad animal 32
Residuos de cosecha