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Small-scale dairy farming manual

By: FAO. Roma, Italia.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Roma FAO. Roma, Italia 1993Description: 6 volúmenes cdrs,ilus.Subject(s): Abonos orgánicos | Búfalo | Compost | Control de calidad | Explotación en pequeña escala | Fincas | Ganadería | Leche | Manual | Productos lácteos | Transporte
Vol. 1: Milk composition, quality, quality control, preservation, transport, collecting centres, reception, payment, treatment, cultures. Small scale cutter making, scale cheese making. Basic production and business. Vol. 2: Dairying as part of integrated farming systems. Compost manure. Breeds of dairy cattle and buffalo. Principles and desing of dairy cattle and buffalo housing. Husbandry in dairy cattle and buffalo housing. Vol. 3: Feeding of dairy cattle and buffalo. Pasture and fodder. Fodder from Shrubs and trees. Small-sale hay making, silage making. Straw treatment. Concentrates. Minerals and mineral block making. Vol. 4: Artificial insemination (A.I.) in dairy buffalo and cattle. Breeding calendars. Physiology of milk production. Milking - handling of milking equipment. Milk recording. Calving. Calf rearing. Vol. 5: Important consitions/diseases affecting dairy and buffalo. Brucellosis. Foot and mouth disease. Haemorrhagic septicaemia. Mastitis. Parasites in dairy cattle and buffalo. Diseases ptrevention and control. Health records for dairy cattle and buffalo. Farme s first id. Hoof care. Vol. 6: Dairy farm accouting. Dairy farming organisations
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Vol. 1: Milk composition, quality, quality control, preservation, transport, collecting centres, reception, payment, treatment, cultures. Small scale cutter making, scale cheese making. Basic production and business. Vol. 2: Dairying as part of integrated farming systems. Compost manure. Breeds of dairy cattle and buffalo. Principles and desing of dairy cattle and buffalo housing. Husbandry in dairy cattle and buffalo housing. Vol. 3: Feeding of dairy cattle and buffalo. Pasture and fodder. Fodder from Shrubs and trees. Small-sale hay making, silage making. Straw treatment. Concentrates. Minerals and mineral block making. Vol. 4: Artificial insemination (A.I.) in dairy buffalo and cattle. Breeding calendars. Physiology of milk production. Milking - handling of milking equipment. Milk recording. Calving. Calf rearing. Vol. 5: Important consitions/diseases affecting dairy and buffalo. Brucellosis. Foot and mouth disease. Haemorrhagic septicaemia. Mastitis. Parasites in dairy cattle and buffalo. Diseases ptrevention and control. Health records for dairy cattle and buffalo. Farme s first id. Hoof care. Vol. 6: Dairy farm accouting. Dairy farming organisations

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