Your search returned 30 results. Subscribe to this search

21. Informe del 30o pero̕do de sesiones del Comit ̌de Pesca   Publication: Food & Agriculture Org 2013 . pages
Número topográfico: F2047
Libro de colección general

Date: 2013 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

22. Habitat modification and freshwater fisheries   Publication: London | Boston Published by arrangement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations by Butterworths 1985 . x, 278 p. , Summaries in French. 24 cm.
Número topográfico: F187
Libro de colección general

Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

23. Report of the workshop on management of the caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) fisheries in the area of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission, Mérida, Mexico, 4-8 September 2000   Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2001 . 66 p. 30 cm.
Número topográfico: F1505
Libro de colección general

Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

24. Report of the second workshop on the management of caribbean spiny lobster fisheries in the WECACF area, Havana, Cuba, 30 september-4 october 2002.   Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2003 . 273 p.
Número topográfico: F1726
Libro de colección general

Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

25. Veterinary public health and control of zoonoses in developing countries by Robinson, R. Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2003 . iv, 108 p. 30 cm.
Número topográfico: F1727
Libro de colección general

Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

26. Soil conservation and management in developing countries   Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1977 . iv, 212 p. , Caption title: Expert Consultation on Soil Conservation and Management in Developing Countries. | On t.p.: Soil Resources, Development and Conservation Service, Land and Water Development Division. 28 cm.
Número topográfico: F436
Libro de colección general

Date: 1977 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

27. Assessing soil degradation   Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization on the United Nations 1977 . iv, 83 p. , On t.p.: Soil Resources Development and Conservation Service, Land and Water Development Division. 28 cm.
Número topográfico: F437
Libro de colección general

Date: 1977 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

28. Improved use of plant nutrients   Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1978 . vii, 152 p. , On t.p.: Soil Resources, Management and Conservation Service, Land and Water Development Division. 28 cm.
Número topográfico: F439
Libro de colección general

Date: 1978 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

29. Prognosis of salinity and alkalinity   Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1976 . iv, 268 p. , Soil Resources, Development, and Conservation Service. Land and Water Development Division. 28 cm.
Número topográfico: F434
Libro de colección general

Date: 1976 Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

30. Calcareous soils   Publication: Rome Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1973 ib. 77. . VI, 270 p
Número topográfico: F429
Libro de colección general

Availability: Items available: MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca (1),

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