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Advances in cowpea research edited by B.B. Singh ... [et al.].

Contributor(s): Singh, B.B.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Ibadan International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 1997Description: xv, 375 p ill.ISBN: 978131110X; 9789781311109.Subject(s): Caupi | Caupi -- Congresses | HARCIOTS VIGNA, HARICOTS DOLICHOS (CULTURES LÉGUMIÈRES) | VIGNA BEANS, DOLICHOS BEANS (VEGETABLE CROPPING) | VIGNA-BOHNEN, DOLICHOS-BOHNEN (GEMÜSEBAU)Genre/Form: Conference papers and proceedings.DDC classification: 635.6592
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Libro Libro MINAGRICULTURA - Biblioteca
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4947 (Browse shelf) Ej.1 Available

The Second World Cowpea Research Conference, held at Accra, Ghana during 3-7 September 1995

Includes bibliographical references.

Grupo Gestión Documental y Biblioteca
Biblioteca: Carrera 8 N° 12B - 31, Edificio Bancol - Piso 5.
Horario de Atención: Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 4:00 jornada continua
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