Talburt, William F.

Potato processing - Westport, Connecticut The Avi Publishing Company 1975 - 705 páginas cdrs; grafs; ilus

History of potato processing. Structure and chemical composition of potato tuber. potato varieties. Efect of cultural and environmental conditions on potatoes for processing. Tuber diseases. Sprout inhibition. Efect of transit and sterage coditions on potaoes. The nutritive value of potatoes. Peeling potatoes for processing. Potato chips. Frozen french fries and other frozen potato products. Dehidrated mashed potatoes-potato granules. Potato flakes. Dehidrated diced potatoes. Potato starch. Potato flour. Canned white potatoes. Pre-peeled potatoes. Micellaneous products from potatoes. Potatoes and potato products for livestock. Waste disposal

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