Authority search results

Showing 2 of about 6 results
Authorized headings Type of heading Biblio records Full heading
Término temático:
see also:
Agua potable (Broader heading)
Alimentos (Broader heading)
Estimulantes (Broader heading)
Hábitos en la bebida (Broader heading)
Jugo de cana de azúcar (Broader heading)
Leche (Broader heading)
Plantas para bebidas (Broader heading)
Agua mineral (Narrower heading)
Bebidas alcohólicas (Narrower heading)
Bebidas chocolateadas (Narrower heading)
Café (Narrower heading)
Gaseosas (Narrower heading)
Jugo de frutas (Narrower heading)
Jugo de hortalizas (Narrower heading)
Mate (Narrower heading)
Sucedaneos del café (Narrower heading)
Sucedaneos del té (Narrower heading)
(Narrower heading)
Tisanas (Narrower heading)
Término temático 4 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
Bebidas alcohólicas
used for/see from:
see also:
Bebidas (Broader heading)
Contenido alcohólico (Broader heading)
Fermentación alcohólica (Broader heading)
Productos fermentados (Broader heading)
Aguardientes (Narrower heading)
Cervezas (Narrower heading)
Licores (Narrower heading)
Sidra (Narrower heading)
Vinos (Narrower heading)
Término temático 3 biblios View full heading
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