Authority search results

Showing 10 of about 38 results
Authorized headings Type of heading Biblio records Full heading
Término temático:
Almacenamiento de hortalizas.
Término temático 1 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
Control de hortalizas.
Término temático 2 biblios View full heading
Nombre de reunión:
Curso nacional de hortalizas de clima frío: (M/quera-C/marca: julio 1992) (primer curso)
Nombre de reunión 1 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
Extractos de hortalizas
used for/see from:
Extractos de legumbres
see also:
Extractos vegetales (Broader heading)
Jugo de hortalizas (Broader heading)
Productos a base de hortalizas (Broader heading)
Término temático 1 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
used for/see from:
Hortalizas frescas
Hortalizas fuera de temporada
Legúmbres frescas
see also:
Alimentos (Broader heading)
Hortalizas (plantas) (Broader heading)
Hortalizas leguminosas (Broader heading)
Leguminosas (Broader heading)
Piensos (Broader heading)
Productos a base de hortalizas (Broader heading)
Productos de origen vegetal (Broader heading)
Productos frescos (Broader heading)
Productos perecederos (Broader heading)
Acelga (Narrower heading)
Achicoria (Narrower heading)
Alcachofa (Narrower heading)
Algarroba (Narrower heading)
Apio (Narrower heading)
Apio-nabo (Narrower heading)
Batata (Narrower heading)
Berenjena (Narrower heading)
Berro de agua (Narrower heading)
Bróculi (Narrower heading)
Brotes de bambú (Narrower heading)
Calabazas (Narrower heading)
Caupi (Narrower heading)
Caupi catjang (Narrower heading)
Cebolla (Narrower heading)
Cebolla japonesa (Narrower heading)
Chalote (Narrower heading)
Chili dulce (Narrower heading)
Chirivia (Narrower heading)
Col (Narrower heading)
Col china (Narrower heading)
Col de bruselas (Narrower heading)
Coliflor (Narrower heading)
Colirrábano (Narrower heading)
Endibia (Narrower heading)
Espárragos (Narrower heading)
Espinaca (Narrower heading)
Fríjol (phaseolus) (Narrower heading)
Fríjol adzuki (Narrower heading)
Fríjol espárrago (Narrower heading)
Fríjol grande de américa (Narrower heading)
Fríjol mungo (Narrower heading)
Fríjoles nacidos (Narrower heading)
Garbanzo (Narrower heading)
Guisante (Narrower heading)
Haba (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas cucurbitaceas (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas de bulbo (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas de fruto (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas de hoja (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas de raíz (Narrower heading)
Hortalizas de tallo (Narrower heading)
Judía de lima (Narrower heading)
Lechugas (Narrower heading)
Lenteja (Narrower heading)
Maíz dulce (Narrower heading)
Mandioca (Narrower heading)
Nabo (Narrower heading)
Names (Narrower heading)
Ocra (Narrower heading)
Palmitos (Narrower heading)
Papa (Narrower heading)
Pataca (Narrower heading)
Pepinillo (Narrower heading)
Pepino (Narrower heading)
Plátano (Narrower heading)
Puerro (Narrower heading)
Rábano (Narrower heading)
Remolacha (Narrower heading)
Remolacha de hoja (Narrower heading)
Repollo (Narrower heading)
Ruibarbo (Narrower heading)
Rutabaga (Narrower heading)
Salsifi (Narrower heading)
Setas comestibles (Narrower heading)
Soja (Narrower heading)
Taro (Narrower heading)
Tomate (Narrower heading)
Urd (Narrower heading)
Zanahoria (Narrower heading)
Término temático 234 biblios View full heading
Nombre geográfico:
Nombre geográfico 1 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
Hortalizas Control de calidad Guías
Término temático 1 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
Hortalizas de fruto
see also:
Artocarpus (Broader heading)
Berenjena (Broader heading)
Chili dulce (Broader heading)
Cyphomandra betacea (Broader heading)
Frutas (Broader heading)
Hibiscus sabdariffa (Broader heading)
Hortalizas (Broader heading)
Hortalizas cucurbitaceas (Broader heading)
Hortalizas leguminosas (Broader heading)
Maíz dulce (Broader heading)
Ocra (Broader heading)
Physalis minima (Broader heading)
Plátano (Broader heading)
Tomate (Broader heading)
Treculia africana (Broader heading)
Término temático 2 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
Hortalizas de hoja
used for/see from:
Hortalizas de flores
Hortalizas de flores comestibles
Hortalizas de inflorescencia
Hortalizas verdes
see also:
Acelga (Broader heading)
Achicoria (Broader heading)
Alcachofa (Broader heading)
Allium tuberosum (Broader heading)
Amaranthus (Broader heading)
Apio (Broader heading)
Atriplex hortensis (Broader heading)
Basella alba (Broader heading)
Berro de agua (Broader heading)
Brassica oleracea (Broader heading)
Bróculi (Broader heading)
Cebollino (Broader heading)
Celosia argentea (Broader heading)
Chrysanthemum coronarium (Broader heading)
Cichorium (Broader heading)
Cnidoscolus chayamansa (Broader heading)
Col (Broader heading)
Col china (Broader heading)
Col de bruselas (Broader heading)
Coliflor (Broader heading)
Corchorus olitorius (Broader heading)
Cynara cardunculus (Broader heading)
Endibia (Broader heading)
Ensaladas (Broader heading)
Espinaca (Broader heading)
Foeniculum vulgare (Broader heading)
Gnetum gnemon (Broader heading)
Hibiscus sabdariffa (Broader heading)
Hortalizas (Broader heading)
Ipomoea aquatica (Broader heading)
Ipomoea eriocarpa (Broader heading)
Lechugas (Broader heading)
Lepidium sativum (Broader heading)
Lycium chinense (Broader heading)
Remolacha de hoja (Broader heading)
Repollo (Broader heading)
Rorippa (Broader heading)
Rumex (Broader heading)
Sauropus (Broader heading)
Sinapsis alba (Broader heading)
Telfairia (Broader heading)
Término temático 1 biblios View full heading
Término temático:
Hortalizas de raíz
see also:
Achicoria (Broader heading)
Alocasia macrorrhiza (Broader heading)
Amorphophallus (Broader heading)
Apio-nabo (Broader heading)
Apios americana (Broader heading)
Apium graveolens (Broader heading)
Arracacia xanthorrhiza (Broader heading)
Batata (Broader heading)
Beta vulgaris (Broader heading)
Brotes de bambú (Broader heading)
Calathea allouia (Broader heading)
Canna edulis (Broader heading)
Chirivia (Broader heading)
Cichorium intybus (Broader heading)
Coleus rotundifolius (Broader heading)
Colocasia esculenta (Broader heading)
Cucurbita foetidissima (Broader heading)
Curcuma angustifolia (Broader heading)
Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Broader heading)
Curcuma zedoaria (Broader heading)
Cyperus esculentus (Broader heading)
Cyrtosperma chamissonis (Broader heading)
Dioscorea (Broader heading)
Eleocharis tuberosa (Broader heading)
Ensete ventricosum (Broader heading)
Helianthus tuberosus (Broader heading)
Hortalizas (Broader heading)
Hortalizas de bulbo (Broader heading)
Ipomoea batatas (Broader heading)
Lepidium meyenii (Broader heading)
Mandioca (Broader heading)
Manihot esculenta (Broader heading)
Maranta arundinacea (Broader heading)
Nabo (Broader heading)
Names (Broader heading)
Nelumbo nucífera (Broader heading)
Oxalis tuberosa (Broader heading)
Pachyrhizus (Broader heading)
Papa (Broader heading)
Pastinaca sativa (Broader heading)
Pataca (Broader heading)
Phaseolus coccineus (Broader heading)
Plantas de raíces comestibles (Broader heading)
Plectranthus esculentus (Broader heading)
Polymnia sonchifolia (Broader heading)
Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (Broader heading)
Psoralea (Broader heading)
Rábano (Broader heading)
Raíces forrajeras (Broader heading)
Raphanus sativus (Broader heading)
Remolacha (Broader heading)
Rutabaga (Broader heading)
Scorzonera (Broader heading)
Solanum tuberosum (Broader heading)
Solenostemon (Broader heading)
Sphenostylis (Broader heading)
Stachys sieboldii (Broader heading)
Tacca leontopetaloides (Broader heading)
Taro (Broader heading)
Tragopogon porrifolius (Broader heading)
Trapa (Broader heading)
Tropaeolum tuberosum (Broader heading)
Tubérculo (Broader heading)
Tylosema (Broader heading)
Ullucus tuberosus (Broader heading)
Vigna ambacensis (Broader heading)
Vigna fischeri (Broader heading)
Vigna lanceolata (Broader heading)
Vigna lobatifolia (Broader heading)
Vigna marina (Broader heading)
Vigna reticulata (Broader heading)
Xanthosoma (Broader heading)
Zanahoria (Broader heading)
Término temático 1 biblios View full heading
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